Growing Tree Endowment Fund is to support providing a catholic education and our schools. Advancement envelopes are collected through mass at St. Mary’s Church.
You can also institute a “Named” endowment fund or scholarship by investing $10,000 or more.
For more details, please contact our Director of Advancement.
– Linda M Atkins Scholarship
– Rita Devine Scholarship
– Ida Kojian Scholarship
– Anna & Richard Morrisey Scholarship
– 7 from Class of 1957 Scholarship
– Thomas O’Connor Scholarship Fund
– David & Mary Young Scholarship Fund
– St. Mary High School Scholarship Fund
Each of these funds are available for additional contributions and gifts.
– Our 1899 Society is a sustaining donor fund that helps make tuition affordable for students and families.
#SAINTSupportSAINTS program allows anyone to provide full tuition to a student at STM.
We ask that you please consider St Mary’s High School in your will or listed as “In Memory” donations upon your passing.
If you are interested, please contact our Director of Advancement.
27 Bartlett St., Westfield, MA 01085
Accredited by the New England Association of Schools and Colleges.
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